
Spring Data JPA

Master database management, advanced querying, and expert data handling with ease


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Mama Samba Braima Djalo

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Spring Data JPA Fundamentals

Repository Management

Data Querying

Real Database Connection

Class-Table Mapping

Hibernate Entity Lifecycle

Query Creation

Paging and Sorting

1 to 1 Relationships

1 to Many Relationships

Many to Many Relationships

Transaction Handling

Are you on the path of becoming a software developer, or perhaps contemplating a career transition into tech? The Spring Data JPA Master Class is here to provide you with a critical skill set that's integral in the field of software development. This course introduces you to Spring Data JPA, a pivotal tool for implementing JPA-based repositories and creating robust, Spring-driven applications that effectively leverage data access technologies.

But this course is more than just learning a new skill; it's about understanding the broader context of software development, and how mastering tools like Spring Data JPA can open up new avenues in your career. Whether you're aiming to work on enterprise-level applications or looking to enhance your personal projects, a solid understanding of Spring Data JPA can be a significant step forward.

  • Environment Setup: Learn how to set up your development environment, including the Postgres Database Server, PSQL, and IntelliJ.
  • Spring Data JPA Fundamentals: Dive into the basics of Spring Data JPA, including entity creation, database connectivity, and understanding key annotations.
  • Repository Management: Understand the concept of repositories in Spring Data JPA, including the creation of a StudentRepository and exploring various repository methods.
  • Data Querying: Master various methods of querying data, including Query Methods, JPQL Query Methods, @Query, Native Queries, Named Parameters, and @Modifying.
  • Advanced Concepts: Delve into advanced topics such as sorting and pagination, handling one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships, and managing transactions.

Who is the course for?

The Spring Data JPA Master Class is designed for anyone who is looking to deepen their understanding of backend development and data management. If you're an aspiring developer just starting your coding journey, this course will equip you with the knowledge of Spring Data JPA, a fundamental tool in the industry. It's also an excellent choice for those considering a career shift into tech, as the course provides a solid foundation in a skill that can significantly enhance your employability.

For those already in the tech industry, such as data analysts or system administrators, this course offers an opportunity to expand your skill set and increase your versatility. By mastering Spring Data JPA, you'll be able to manage data more effectively in backend applications, making you a more valuable asset to your team. Whether you're just starting out or looking to level up, this course has something to offer you.

Master Spring Data JPA

In this Spring Data JPA Master Class, you'll gain a comprehensive understanding of Spring Data JPA, a powerful tool that allows you to build scalable backend applications backed by any relational database. Spring Data JPA is an excellent choice that accelerates your development process and lets you focus on the business logic. This course is hands-on, with plenty of coding exercises to help you learn by doing. Here's what you'll learn:

  • What is Spring Data JPA: Understand the fundamentals of Spring Data JPA and how it integrates with the Java Persistence API (JPA).
  • Connect to a Real Database: Learn how to connect your Spring application to a real database, moving beyond in-memory databases for more realistic data management.
  • Map Classes to Tables: Understand how to map your Java classes to database tables using Spring Data JPA and Hibernate.
  • Hibernate Entity Life Cycle: Learn about the life cycle of Hibernate entities and how they're managed in a Spring Data JPA context.
  • Queries: Master the art of querying data using Spring Data JPA, including creating basic queries, complex queries, and using Query Methods.
  • Paging and Sorting: Learn how to implement paging and sorting in your Spring Data JPA applications to manage large amounts of data effectively.
  • 1 to 1 Relationships: Understand how to model one-to-one relationships between entities using Spring Data JPA.
  • 1 to Many Relationships: Learn how to model one-to-many relationships, where one entity can be associated with multiple entities.
  • Many to Many Relationships: Master the concept of many-to-many relationships, where multiple entities can be associated with multiple entities.
  • Transactions: Learn how to handle transactions in your Spring Data JPA applications, ensuring data consistency and integrity

You will learn how to implement this Application Database Design using Spring Data JPA


How Spring Data JPA Works


Career with Spring Data JPA

Understanding Spring Data JPA can significantly broaden your career prospects and applications in the tech industry. It's a skill that's highly valued across a range of roles and industries, and here's why:

  1. Industry Relevance: Spring Data JPA is widely used in the industry for managing data in Java applications. By mastering this tool, you'll be aligning your skills with industry needs, making you a more attractive candidate for employers.
  2. Scalable Solutions: With Spring Data JPA, you can create scalable backend applications that can handle large amounts of data. This is particularly valuable in today's data-driven world, where businesses of all sizes are looking for ways to manage and leverage their data effectively.
  3. Efficiency and Productivity: Spring Data JPA can help improve your efficiency and productivity as a developer. It simplifies the data access layer of your applications, allowing you to focus more on the business logic.
  4. Versatility: Whether you're working in a startup or a large corporation, in a tech role or a managerial one, the knowledge of Spring Data JPA can be beneficial. It's a versatile tool that can be applied in a variety of contexts and roles.
Career Statistics

Course Curriculum

11 sections with 03:30:00 hours of content

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From Josh Developer Advocate @Spring


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