Master table design, data management, and advanced database operations
Course includes:
Certification Upon Completion
Lifetime Course Access
Access to Discord Group
Free Portfolly (Launching Soon)
Database Creation and Table Design
Data Insertion, Retrieval, and Sorting
Advanced Data Filtering and Grouping
Working with Operators and Handling NULLs
Managing Dates and Timestamps
PostgreSQL Constraints
CRUD Operations
Data Relationships
Foreign Keys and Join Operations
Data Export to CSV
Welcome to the Relational Database and SQL Essentials, a deep dive into one of the most versatile open-source relational databases. Master the key aspects of data management, including creating, querying, and managing databases efficiently with SQL. This technical, skill-focused course delivers hands-on experience and provides the essential tools to navigate the dynamic world of Postgres. Enhance your developer skillset and explore the true power of data management with Postgres today!
If you want to learn how to use PostgreSQL and SQL, this course is for you. You will discover how to do various tasks, personalize your environment, and enhance your skills with SQL scripting. No matter if you are a student, a professional, a hobbyist, or a beginner, you will learn a lot and quickly. This course will also help you get ready for more advanced PostgreSQL endeavors.
16 sections with 03:00:00 hours of content
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