
Relational Database and SQL Essentials

Master table design, data management, and advanced database operations


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Mama Samba Braima Djalo

Founder & CEO

What you'll learn

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Database Creation and Table Design

Data Insertion, Retrieval, and Sorting

Advanced Data Filtering and Grouping

Working with Operators and Handling NULLs

Managing Dates and Timestamps

PostgreSQL Constraints

CRUD Operations

Data Relationships

Foreign Keys and Join Operations

Data Export to CSV

Welcome to the Relational Database and SQL Essentials, a deep dive into one of the most versatile open-source relational databases. Master the key aspects of data management, including creating, querying, and managing databases efficiently with SQL. This technical, skill-focused course delivers hands-on experience and provides the essential tools to navigate the dynamic world of Postgres. Enhance your developer skillset and explore the true power of data management with Postgres today!

  • Open Source: PostgreSQL is an open-source database system, meaning it's free and continuously improved by a community of developers
  • Comprehensive SQL Support: PostgreSQL uses and extends the SQL language combined with many features that safely store and scale complicated data workloads
  • Extensibility: PostgreSQL is highly extensible. It supports a number of advanced data types not available in other databases, like arrays and hstore (for key-value pairs)
  • Compatibility: PostgreSQL is compatible with various platforms and programming languages, making it versatile for different types of projects

Who is the course for?

If you want to learn how to use PostgreSQL and SQL, this course is for you. You will discover how to do various tasks, personalize your environment, and enhance your skills with SQL scripting. No matter if you are a student, a professional, a hobbyist, or a beginner, you will learn a lot and quickly. This course will also help you get ready for more advanced PostgreSQL endeavors.

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4 Reasons to learn PostgreSQL

  1. Versatility: PostgreSQL is an open-source database management system that powers a wide range of applications. By learning PostgreSQL, you gain the ability to work with this versatile platform and expand your opportunities in various industries.
  2. Job Opportunities: PostgreSQL skills are highly sought after in the tech industry. Many companies rely on PostgreSQL for their data management, and professionals with PostgreSQL expertise are in high demand. By mastering PostgreSQL, you enhance your employability and open doors to exciting career opportunities.
  3. Development Environment: PostgreSQL provides a robust and flexible environment for data management. It offers a rich set of tools, making it an ideal choice for developers. Learning PostgreSQL enables you to leverage these resources and enhance your development capabilities.
  4. SQL Proficiency: PostgreSQL emphasizes SQL usage, which helps you develop a deeper understanding of how databases work. SQL skills are invaluable for tasks such as data analysis, automation, and troubleshooting. By mastering SQL, you become a more efficient and effective programmer.
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Course Curriculum

16 sections with 03:00:00 hours of content

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Before we start


Exercise Files

What is a Database


SQL And Relational Databases



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